I'm a dirty girl ....

Dirty Girl Mud Run

Inspired by my own Coach, Ekaterina Solovieva (she's an amazingly tough, brilliant woman born in Siberia, now living in Canada) who has inspired and guided me as my Precision Nutrition health coach this past year and a half and she just happens to be a hardcore obstacle racer) ... I signed up to do the Dirty Girl.

Saturday, May 14th 2016 marked the day I participated in my first Dirty Girl Mud Run with my pal Stephanie. I had lined up several clients, neighbors, and former co-workers to do it with me but alas, due to changes in plans and different start times (waves) I ended up doing the entire event with my pal Steph. That was fitting - as I first met her back in 2008 when we auditioned to be selected to train as Les Mills Body Pump Instructors (the beginning of my fitness journey).

I share this with you for a few reasons; the primary reason being if you are female, and  you are reading this, and you reside in the B'more general vicinity (or are up to flying in because I've got a guest room!) - I'm going to want you to join me in the future! I'm thinking - a client TEAM DIRTY GIRL. It was truly so .... much....fun!

The course is friendly for all, with every single obstacle offering the option of a walk around without penalty. The fine folks at Original Strength would've been proud when Steph and I dropped to the ground to baby crawl - then leopard crawl - up a hill of mud. I was TOO afraid of losing my shoes if I tried to walk in the mud - so up we crawled. There were 15 obstacles (some were big, some were on fire (albeit a tiny, tiny fire), some were very bouncy, almost all were muddy - but all were totally doable). Due to a traveling conflict in 2017 I will miss the Dirty Girl this year, but I'm looking ahead to 2018. So, wanna join me in 2018? Are you up for being a Dirty Girl with me in 2018?

