Is this program low carb/high fat?

No. Research has shown that fat loss and increased nutrient density can be achieved on low-fat or low-carb diets. For fat loss, only two things are necessary: a calorie deficit and balanced hormones.

Everyone will be starting with a high-protein, high-fiber, high-water-content diet, with small to moderate amounts of carbohydrates and fats based on individual needs, preferences and you’ll learn how to tailor these amounts to find what works for YOU during the different phases of life.

What if I have a family or spouse I cook for? Will they eat this food or should I expect to be cooking separate meals?

A wise pediatrician once told me … “You are not a short-order cook!”

The recipes and techniques you learn in WELLNESS NUTRITION CLASS will be welcomed by your family and friends. There will be no green juice. No detox plan. No maca-celery-avocado-cucumber-kale smoothies. PROMISE.

I have food allergies. Can I still do this program?

Yes. There are no lists of foods you are required to eat. The nutrition aspect of this class involves eating a high-protein, high-fiber, high-water-content diet, but if a food does not work for you, you do not eat it. I provide a list of foods broken down by macronutrient. You pick the foods the from the list that you like. Simple as that!

Can I TAKE THIS CLASS if I’m pescatarian, Vegetarian or VEGAN?

If you are pescatarian and eat eggs, dairy and can use protein powder, absolutely.

This program is doable but not designed for those following a VEGETARIAN diet.

This program is not suitable for those following a strictly VEGAN diet.

How is this different from thE popular KETO or paleo diets?

There are no lists of “approved” or “forbidden” foods. You will be eating 3-4 meals per day filled with real, whole, nutrient-dense foods.

what if you did not experience the peri to post menopause transition due to surgery or chemotherapy? What if you went right into post menopause? will this course be helpful? Does this information even apply to you?

Most definitely. It's not really that different when you take out that perimenopausal state and go right into post-menopause. Ultimately the end result is the same. When you are looking at what's happening from a hormonal level, we have to look outside our bodies now to create the environment the hormones used to do when we were pre-menopausal. And the guidelines are still the same for post-menopause whether it is surgically induced or chemo-induced. So yes, if this scenario applies to you - this information will be beneficial because at the end of the day - you're still post-menopausal.





I practice intermittent fasting/time restricted feeding, is WNC right for me?

No. If we push energy restriction too far for too long, problems arise. Especially when combined with life’s daily stressors (hard training, traffic, toxic work environment, caregiving). Women’s bodies seem to be much more sensitive than men’s to energy and nutrient restriction. This is especially true for women who are already active and/or have relatively lower levels of body fat.

Does this program require macro tracking, carb cycling, or fasting?

That’s a hard NO! These are advanced fat loss protocols that are completely unnecessary and far too time consuming for the vast majority of people to implement and feel sane. Losing body fat does NOT need to be that complicated.

Do I need to have Facebook to participate in a WNC Coaching Group?

For the daily accountability yes. As an online program, some level of comfort with technology is essential. There will also be several group coaching calls that take place over Zoom. If you are not comfortable operating a smart phone and/or computer, I recommend working in-person with a Registered Dietician in your local area.

I’m traveling during part of the program. Can I still do this program?

Fat loss happens anywhere. You can do this lifestyle everywhere. Life will always be busy. If you keep waiting to “be ready” and “have more time” to change your lifestyle, it will never come.

Travel is part of life. If you don’t learn how to eat and exercise and live this way, you will forever be “on the wagon” when you’re at home, and “off the wagon” when you’re not.

Results come from consistency with the big rocks over time - not by living in the perfect conditions, because that’s not the real world.

What is the refund policy?

There are no refunds offered once an order is confirmed and the program materials are delivered. Refunds are only offered before the program materials are delivered. Once you have received program materials, refunds will not be given.

I reserve the right to release clients from the program and offer a pro-rated refund if terms and conditions are violated. (For example: solicitation, harassment, violation of Facebook group terms of use, etc.)

You’re in your 20’s or 30’s … What if you don't think you're anywhere near the transition yet? Would this be beneficial?

That depends on you and your desire for knowledge. I love learning; knowledge helps me to feel empowered to advocate for myself. The fact is - one day you WILL be post-menopausal and the peri to post transition can span a decade, so in my opinion there's no better time to learn that before you experience it so you can anticipate and advocate for yourself.

Refund policy:

Because this is a digital service, there are no refunds once an order is confirmed and program materials are delivered.



One size fits all approaches haven’t worked, so why not try something different?


Shortly before your WNC session begins, you’ll receive the program materials. You’ll be invited into a private coaching group on Facebook, where you’ll meet others on the same journey as you.

This class will not run again until fall, depending upon my travels. As your Coach, I bring real world experience coupled with professional certifications and credentials in personal training, coaching, nutrition, functional movement, Pre & Post-partum and Cancer exercise. I also want to ensure I can deliver quality small group coaching. My husband and I are planning a trip out west to see our son and take an Alaskan cruise for our 25th anniversary. Until that trip is booked, I’m not positive there will be another class happening in 2023. I want to ensure I have the space in my schedule to devote to leading another group in 2023. Either way, January 2024 will be a go! While the program can be done online from anywhere - I need to ensure I have stable wi-fi and a quiet workspace as your coach (which is why Sept 2023 is yet to be determined).

WNC is 100% online so you can do the program from ANYWHERE, on your schedule. I know your daily life is crazy busy, so it’s designed for maximum flexibility and accessibility.

Throughout the four + week program, you’ll have daily check-in opportunities for accountability and get personalized feedback to help you create a fit, healthy lifestyle you don’t need an escape from at the end of the program. There are even live coaching calls for those who want more support!


When life gets crazy and responsibilities at home and work pile one on top of the other, it’s easy to let our health and fitness slip. The years go by and often we don’t even realize how much our health and stamina have declined.

For many of us, there comes a time when we realize things must change. A time when gaining control over our body takes on new urgency. For some, it’s a scary health diagnosis or watching a loved one struggle with their own health problems. For others it’s realizing they want to foster a healthy, balanced relationship with food and model that for their children. And for others still, it’s when they finally realize they’ve spent so many years taking care of others, that they neglected to take care of themselves.

  • Nutrition shouldn’t be so overwhelming.

  • Food and fitness can’t be your full-time job.

  • What you eat shouldn’t be so restrictive and unsustainable that you’re always trying the newest “trend.”

I’m here to guide you and help you build the foundation for a healthy lifestyle that will serve you, and perhaps even more importantly, those who are learning from you … for years to come.

We aren’t taught anything about nutrition in school. Our home environment is often only as good as our parents’ knowledge base about nutrition. I grew up eating toaster strudels, pop tarts, cereal, hot dogs, and lots of fast food. My mom actually knew how to cook, but as a single mother struggling with her mental health, often the best she could manage was quick, fast, cheap and easy. As a result, I entered adulthood not having a CLUE about how to eat or cook. Together we will practice implementing nutrient dense meals, one meal at a time. I was once that person who felt incredibly uncomfortable in the kitchen, and there were times I was in the kitchen hating every second I was there. Together I’ll help you break down barriers and help you implement better daily practices with your nutrition.